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Effective Goal Setting
Set Your Goals Effectively!

Everybody has heard that it is good to set your goals - "If you fail to plan then you plan to fail..." but not everyone has been shown how to do it effectively. Doing it wrong can actually be counter-productive.

Be sure to understand that in making a plan to achieve what you want, at the outset you should only concern yourself with the "WHAT" and not the HOW. There is no need to micromanage the process. Setting out what you want and when you want it establishes a purpose - more that just a "wish list". The "how" will become clear as you take action....


The  selection of free apps, websites and tools can help you create, track, and achieve your most important goals....


Goal-buddy goal setting tool

GoalBuddy is a free online goal tracking tool that helps you set and track your progress with the support of goal buddies who share similar goals, motivate you and keep you accountable to stay on track. The system consists of web-based training materials, web-based tools and exercises, and a free mobile application.

Strides Goal Setting Application

Strides is an efficient goal-tracking application set according to SMART methodology. Features include a dashboard that displays your goals, motivational charts that map your progress, four interface types that allow you to view information from various devices, and tracker templates. Strides is only available on IOS systems. You can track up to three goals free or ugrade to Strides Plus.

If you are want to be a high achiever and are willing to invest in the best tools GoalsOnTrack is for you. It helps you identify and accomplish your goals by focusing on the right activities. It feature action planning, to-do lists, time tracking, accountability partners, and a mobile app that lets you take your goals with you. It's a web-based application with membership at $68 per year.

GoalsOnTrack Goal Setting tools

1. Business Goals


Make a list of all the things you would like to have or do, both in the long-term and short-term  related to your  Network Marketing business plan, attaining certain levels in your company, how many people to enrol each week or month, or the size of the commission cheque.


2. Personal Goals


Draw up a second list which will be your personal goals. They may be material things you want, or things you want to do. For example :


  • Be free of debt

  • Buy dream house

  • Travel to ...

  • Get pilots licence

  • Sky dive....


This gives you measurable objectives as to what you want, and there is a way of achieving them with the vehicle of Network Marketing. Your list can be as long as you like!


3. Commitments


Now write a list of the commitments that you are going to make. This will include things you will do to that actively take you towards your goals, but also things you will commit to stop doing that get in your way – like watching mindless soaps on TV or reading depressing news articles.


Also make sure you commit to spending time on something relaxing that you enjoy – playing with the children, exercising, or a on hobby. You have to treat yourself well before you can expect other people to!


  • Read information about the business, leadership books or personal development material for 30 minutes each day.

  • Spend 15 minutes a day on focused thought about developing your business or on your goals.

  • Work on a website for 3 hours a week.


When you set your goals and objectives it creates a tension, a motivation to achieve them. They clarify your vision and your values and help you to proceed towards them.


As well as taking the actions required to achieve your goals  also use the visualisations and affirmations to create that mental picture of you achieving your goals. Invest in yourself by committing to continual reading and learning.


It is also much more fun, creative and enjoyable than a boring old business plan.



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